
Meet Your Life Partner Faster

Most of us have tried and failed when it comes to romantic relationships. Finding the right partner is not an easy task because of the complexity of the human experience multiplied times two!

Do you find yourself questioning your worth?
Are you sick and tired of meeting the "same kind of people"?
Do you keep repeating the same patterns in dating and relationships?
Is dating draining for you?
  • Feel supported

I feel you... I've been there too.

When I was dating, I would spend hours watching youtube videos, reading blogs, applying a new strategy every time to a new person where it didn’t fit. I just couldn’t understand what was wrong. A part of me was at the verge of giving up, but the other one wanted to keep trying with the hope that my soulmate was also out there waiting for me. Today I’m grateful that I didn’t give up and instead took the bull by its horns.

The result? 

A new me, unapologetic and raw, naked soul and standing be my cheese. Not taking less than true connection, deep intimacy and straight to the point.

In that state of mind I met my husband. And we chose each other after getting to know each other deeply to the bone for two months. What we called #Turbo-Dating. 

Fast forward, I created the Turbodating course for women that are struggling with meeting their soulmate. Women that are willing to invest in themselves to achieve their dream relationships.

What's in it for you?
  • Deep Dive Into Your Innerworld


Deep Thinking and Self Exploration

The Turbodating journey is different from anything else you have tried because you will be thinking about things that most people don’t when it comes to dating.


Radical Self-Awareness

Most people have not defined who they want to date, or brought consciousness to their inner world. Most people don’t stop and focus on their actions and how they brought them to where they are today.


Curious and compassionate inquire

Turbo-Dating let’s you explore yourself inside out and get to know your date deeper and faster. Don’t waste time and energy entertaining the wrong partner and repelling the right ones


Become a BADASS woman

Through the Turbo-Dating Journey you will become a BADASS woman that will attract a high-value man who is willing, open and ready for a committed relationship aligned with the true you.


This course will cover:

Your beliefs about love relationships and how they shape your reality.
Your past experiences and how they inform your present.
Empowers you with science-backed skills and insights.
Your hidden patterns and how they've served you.
Tools to communicate with clarity, authenticity and curiosity your desires, needs and boundaries.
Your sexuality and how to feel more connection and intimacy in your interactions.
Clarity on yourself, your values, your needs, your priorities, your sexuality, what you want in a partner and in a relationship, and, most importantly, why.

Module 1: Becoming the one

  • Raise your awareness of who you’ve been and what brought you here.
  • Learn how you need to grow in order to attract your ideal partner.
  • How can you become the best partner for yourself?

Module 3: Let's talk about sex

  • Explore your sexuality and how it influences your relationships. 
  • What is your relationship with sex and how to express your femininity and sensuality?

Module 2: Gaining clarity from the inside out

  • Get crystal clear in who you are. What do you bring to the table of your ideal partner?
  • Know what you want and why. 
  • How will you know you’ve found your soulmate?

Module 4: Hands on dating

  • How to date efficiently and effectively for a pleasant experience? 
  • What to do before,during and after your date?
  • How to spot red flags?

MindValley Certified Life Coach That You Can Trust

I became a life coach out of the pursuit of healing my own wounds around love and relationships, to be a better partner, a better mother, a better human.
Growing up in a home where emotions were suppressed, I had to learn the hard way how to navigate the language of relationships. Through trial and error, I discovered the keys to communication, conflict resolution, recognizing my reactive patterns, expressing my needs, and setting healthy boundaries.
It’s been a wild and messy ride, but I’ve learned so much along the way! My relationship with my husband and being a mom have been my greatest growth boot camps. And now, I want to share my journey with you, so you can learn from my experiences and draw insights that will help you find and sustain love.

My passion for helping women eliminate the roadblocks that prevent them from living their best love lives comes from a deep desire to contribute to a brighter future.

That is why I created this course, to start a movement of game-changers who want a better beginning for themselves and their families.

Today there’s nothing else that I’d rather do but help women to eliminate the roadblocks that are preventing them from living their dream relationships, building a family and unleashing their full potential.