Illuminating Your Shadows


Are You Asking The Right Questions?

Have you ever heard that voice in your head wondering what’s wrong with you, looking at the mirror disappointed while thinking: “I thought I would have made it by now”?

Let me remind you. Nothing is wrong with you. Trust me. What is wrong is the question. And the focus.

If you search in the wrong place you find the wrong things, if anything. Looking outwards only gives us resentment, judgment, void, worthlessness and the feeling of being lost. 

I was there too.

And it was only when I started to look inwards and tune in the attention button towards my needs, my core beliefs, my values, my behaviours, my childhood wounds, my expectations, and my patterns, that all began to make more sense. The puzzle of what was wrong with me started to take shape. Nothing was wrong with me. I was just looking in the wrong place, asking the wrong questions.

The missing piece was Awareness. And that was just the beginning! Doing the inner work isn’t an overnight task, it’s a lifestyle that you embrace as your life depends on it. You take ownership of your past and present being, you hold yourself accountable, you nurture your inner child to heal, and you are determined to not have it that way anymore.

I didn’t do it alone… not gonna lie here. Still today I need support and I find it with my coaches. I’m still learning, healing and evolving. And it’s Okay to need help. No shame in that. In fact, it’s a brave and loving act towards ourselves, to rely on someone who sheds light in our shadows, so we can see better and take action.
  • Awareness Is The Key

  • Awareness Is The Key


Just Imagine

... that you too can find someone who enlightens you and holds a safe space for you to explore within yourself and find the questions and the answers that best serve you.

... that you have a human mirror, that has endured the same turmoils as you have, that can see you, feel you and validate your experience, because she can relate.

... that you can try on different lenses through which you can capture different realities and expand your understanding of yourself and others.

How much would that serve you?
Ask the right questions with the right focus.
Shine light on the dark zones & uncover your roadblocks.
Craft an action plan for your bright new future.

Just Imagine

... that you too can find someone who enlightens you and holds a safe space for you to explore within yourself and find the questions and the answers that best serve you.

... that you have a human mirror, that has endured the same turmoils as you have, that can see you, feel you and validate your experience, because she can relate.

... that you can try on different lenses through which you can capture different realities and expand your understanding of yourself and others.

How much would that serve you?
Ask the right questions with the right focus.
Shine light on the dark zones & uncover your roadblocks.
Craft an action plan for your bright new future.

Childhood wounds and behaviour patterns

  1. What did you see growing up in terms of relationships and how do you think that impacted you?
  2. What similarities in behaviours from your parents have you noticed in your past relationships?
  3. What current situation brings you a memory from your childhood?

Building supportive habits

  1. What daily habits would most support the accomplishment of your goals and life vision?
  2. If I see your actions instead of hearing your words, what would I say about your priorities?
  3. Are you spending time and giving your attention to important activities?

Goal setting for a bright future

  1. Who is steering your ship, running your life? Who is driving the wheel? Which beliefs are running your behaviours? 
  2. What would have to happen in your life 3 years from now for you to feel fulfilled and thriving?
  3. How do you need to grow, what new skills do you need to gain to fill the gap between who you are now and who you want to be?

Setting healthy boundaries

  1. How does the misalignment about what you think, feel, say and do show up? 
  2. Are you communicating your needs or expectations to your relationships? How? 
  3. When you feel resentful ask yourself: Am I resentful because someone crossed my boundaries or because I trespassed my own boundaries by giving more than I’m comfortable with?
While chances are that you can relate to one of the above potential exploratory paths, know that our sessions will unfold in alignment with your needs and wherever you want the focus to be.

`Let's Get Started!

Individual Session
90 mins
  • One-on-One Exclusive 90-minute Coaching Session
  • Clarity booster on an obstacle you want to overcome or a goal you want to accomplish
  • Next Steps
3 Individual Sessions Bundle
90 mins
  • 3 One-on-One Exclusive 90-minute Coaching Sessions
  • Clarity booster and Awareness
  • Connecting the dots and Atcion Plan
Subscription Package
  • Two Monthly One-on-One Exclusive 60 minutes Coaching Sessions.
  • Access to the Turbo-dating course and resources.
  • Ongoing accountability, support and guidance to help you stay on track and make progress towards your dreams.

Can’t afford it?

Don’t give it up so easily.

Book a free discovery call and let’s get to it!